Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Green Goliath

New Mexico...

A project for the US Defence Department is taking place, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was assigned to supervise an experimental gamma bomb in the nuclear test facility, a teenager wandered off in the test site. With the countdown taking place, the scientist without hesitation selflessly hurried to save the ignorant teenager.

The countdown ends, as the bomb exploded the scientist had the chance to push the kid into a ditch and in an instant the explosion engulfed his body filling it with enormous energy of the deadly gamma radiation. 

Now, certain manifestations are taking place in his cellular structure, from the pains of his past, frustrations and guilt from past sins, whenever anger takes place his physical form bulks up into an enormous mass. At first, he turns into a gray skinned monster at sunset and would revert back to human form at dawn.

Incurable, he went on berserk and was branded a menace to society. To make matters worse, he was hunted down by his wife's father General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross unrelenting to bring him down for good. Ravaging and destroying everything in it's path, the military tracked down the green monster across the country. 

For a short time, he was trying to find a way to cure himself, through another form of radiation he was able to split the two personas. Seemingly cured, he was able to control the monster within and even helped form the Avengers and granted pardon by the US Government for his deeds.
But it was far from over, at some point he was turning back to become the green menace again, and with the help of psychiatrist Leonard "Doc Samson", he was captured. Trying hypnosis, he was again split into two thus making another version the street smart "Joe Fixit", but the separated psyches gave much pain to Bruce, he then further agreed to be merged back only to become "The Professor", the latest version of his personas.

The on and off separation of Bruce's mental and physical conditions made him more unpredictable and dangerous. Only to bargain with the three personas would make it possible to find a cure for his tortured mind and soul. He was further accompanied by Rick Jones the teenager from the gamma bomb experiment, feeling guilty for Bruce's condition, he helps him in his daily endeavors and to search for the cure. Only time will tell whether this menace or hero will be in check. But for now, nothing can stop this "Living Engine of Destruction".

The Incredible HULK!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Man of Steel

Another place, another time... 

A scientist has been observing the planet's seismic activities for quite some time now. Knowing that disaster awaits them, he informed the high council about the situation and explained that if they can access the Phantom Zone tentatively, the people can be saved and survive this disaster. But they mocked him and considered his assesments of their planet preposterous and doubtful. 

Since there are a few moments left before the planet explodes, he still managed and took the chance in coordinating his latest observations to their central computer named Braniac but unknowingly it knows of the impending danger that awaits them and has already downloaded all of the planet's knowledge for itself and for it's self-preservation. 

He hurried back home and informed his wife that they need to hurry, at least to save their only son. He had prepared for this, he built a rocket ship that can propel it's passenger to hyperspace.

Suddenly, the planet shook like none before and only time is of the essence for the last son of Krypton. The infant was placed in the ship, looking on are his parents hoping for the best for their son...Kal-el. Goodbye our son, with moments left Lana and Jor-el watched their son fly into the atmosphere. Krypton exploded hurling tons of it's debris into the vast cosmos.

Journeying through space, the ship found a habitable place for it to land...Earth. Crashing through a field of wheat, an unsuspecting couple Martha and Jonathan watched the rocket plummet from the sky. Curiously, they saw a baby boy crawled out from the ship and quickly cradled it. They adopted the baby Kal-el and named him Clark Joseph Kent.
He grew in a small town called Smallville, young Clark developed extraordinary powers and understanding that he can absorb the sun's radiant energy, he is able to shoot lasers from his optics, leap in great distances, run faster than a speeding train and possessed the strength that ordinary mortals could only dream of...

Searching for his purpose, he went around the world helping people and developing his new found powers, his path lead him to Metropolis where his adventure begins as...

Superman...The Man of Steel.