Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Wall Crawler

A frail young man passes through a crowd, his name is Peter Benjamin Parker a student and a genius. As piercing words and murmuring "What a geek!" struck him, he doesn't utter a sound shrugging off the nuisance, he went his way to the science exhibit.

Atomic science, a world where he is given accolades and a feeling of respect and dignity. As the experiment progresses, no one noticed a spider descending from the ceiling towards the reactors, with a split second the arachnid was doused by radioactivity. Leaping towards the closest thing it can access, with it's final breath, it bit the student transferring the radioactive energy in it's body.

Suddenly, feeling nauseous he decided to go home. Walking down the street a car nearly misses him, as he leapt to safety. He noticed that he was clinging to a wall. To his surprise, he was already scaling the wall with his hands and feet.

Hurrying home, he decided to make a name for himself. He entered a wrestling match with Crusher Hogan and winning unanimously. He even entered into showbiz just to get enough money moreso to gain fame as well. Deep down he really wanted to be popular and realizing with the power that he has, he can do anything he wants without the care in the world.

One night after the show, a burglar made his way into the studio, a cop was running after him, the costumed teen just stood there minding his own business. The cop didn't reach him on time and the fiend escaped through the elevator. "What do I care!" the lad uttered...

Tired, he called it a day. As he was nearing his home, there was a policecar in front. As he came to their doorstep, a body was lying on the floor and her Aunt May was crying, a burglar forced his way in and killed his Uncle. With all his anger, he tracked him in an old warehouse. A fight ensued and the culprit was cornered, he removed the mask of the killer and to his surprise, he was familiar with the face from the broadcasting company... the burglar who ran in front of him days ago. He was so grief stricken and all he ever wanted to do is avenge his Uncle Ben. He just tied the burglar for the police to pick him up. Wanted to be alone, he stayed in a rooftop thinking, he was ashamed from what he had failed to do.

There is always a moral in everyone's story and with this teenager, he had a gift that he misused without the thought of doing what is proper and just, not just for the people around him but for himself as well. He only wanted to be accepted and more so to be popular, but vanity overwhelmed him and with a price. His Uncle's death made him realize that "With great power must also come--great responsibility". Now he must face his problems head on, sacrificing everything that he have just to keep his love ones safe.

And so a hero was born...The Amazing Spider-Man!

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